January 25, 2012

Clipper Top Restuarant Trends for 2012: Health it Up

It is near the end of January and it has been almost two months now of stories predicting what will move the restaurant industry in 2012.  Now that these stories are slowing to a trickle, Clipper is taking a new spin by looking back at looking forward.

We tracked all of the predictions from the restaurant pundits, industry organizations, and trade media to run it by the "Clipper Council" to flag a baker's dozen worth of the trends most likely to really gain traction in the New Year.  Our council consists of key executives from Clipper along with a splash of those from Clipper's long list of global-leading restaurant chains and independent upstarts.  We are rolling them out one at a time but here is the first of thirteen peeks at what the future looks like to them...
Organic, Healthy, Vegetarian, Vegan & Natural Menu Items - Yes, this seems to be a perpetual favorite but for a good reason.  Demand for these menu options keep increasing.  While nobody is suggesting converting entire menus to green fare, the vast majority agree that having these options not only appeal to new customers but offers a broader appeal to current ones.