December 26, 2011

Revamp Your Restaurant Marketing for 2012

2011 was a rough year for many restaurants and chains.  The flailing economy is not exactly creating the “let’s go out to dinner” vibe with the general public.  Like every sector, the businesses that survive the downturn will come out the other end of the tunnel even stronger (and possibly with less competition).  This is as true for independent restaurants and smaller chains as it is for the big brands.
Be a survivor in 2012 by putting together a strategy to keep or generate forward momentum with your restaurant by putting together a comprehensive strategy ranging from cost controlling to menu management.
Don’t forget to include marketing in that mix.  We are digging these 10 Marketing Tips for Restaurants in 2012 that we spotted over at  They range from leveraging Yelp to embracing “ethical consumerism.”  Take a look and start mapping out your road to recovery or continued success for the New Year.